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12-14 December 2011
Integrating Arab e-Infrastructure in a Glob...
11 December 2011
Venue:Department of Antiquities of JordanSultan al-atrash St.Building No. 10Beside the Algerian EmbassyJabal Amman between the 3rd and 4th circle...
27-28 October 2011
As part of the e-InfraNet project's information exchange function workshops are organised to identify and capture good practice and to prov...
18-19 October 2011
GRDI2020 - Towards a 10-Year Vision for Global Research Data Infrastructures, is an Europe-driven initiative proposed as Coordination Action under the Seventh Framework Programme FP7...
12-13 October 2011
The next open e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG) Workshop will be held on 12-13 October 2011 in Poznan, Poland. The workshop will be organized by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Ed...
19-23 Septmber 2011
The EGI Technical Forum 2011 in Lyon will provide an overview of the EGI community and review the community's plans and progress towards the adoption of a federated virtualised infrastructure f...
19-22 September 2011
Conference on Multilingual and Multimoda Information Access EvaluationCLEF2011 is the second CLEF conference continuing the popular CLEF campaigns. It will cover a broad range of issues...
15 September 2011
AIMS AND SCOPEThis workshop must, once again, be seen as one in a series of actions undertaken to promote an increasingly more active collaboration between the sectors of cultural assets a...
12-16 September 2011
PrestoCentre organises as part of its Professional Development Training Series a coursein "Long-Term Audiovisual Digital Preservation: Strategy, Planning & Tools". Participants in ...
1-2 September 2011
MediaEval is a benchmarking initiative that is dedicated to innovation and evaluation in multimedia access and retrieval.MediaEval 2011 workshop is a satellite of Interspeech 2011.
7-8 July 2011
The e-infrastructures enabled digital preservation is considered as a core topic in the work program of the INDICATE project and for this reason a specific workshop has been planned. Th...
23-24 June 2011
Technology and infrastructure needs of cultural heritage with special emphasis on long term preservation.eInfrastructures can play a role in technology intensive tasks and services of heritag...
14 June 2011
The i2cat Foundation and the Departament de Cultura (Generalitat de Catalunya) are organising the workshop "Digital Cultural Heritage e-Infrastructure". New opportunities for the Cultural...
26 May 2011
The DC-NET (Digital Cultural heritage NETwork) and INDICATE (International Network for a Digital Cultural Heritage e-Infrastructure) projects announce their joint workshop on “e-Infrastructur...
17 May 2011
eCulture WorkshopBuilding eCulture communities in the research networking environment in the frame of the TERENA Networking Conference 2011