INDICATE surveys

The following surveys have been launched in the framework of INDICATE:
  • INDICATE preservation survey template (DOC, 138 kb)

Long Term preservation using e-infrastructures is one of the main topics of the work
plan of the INDICATE project. According to this, a survey was prepared by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism to be analyzed at the workshop held in Ankara. This survey mainly aims to figure out the ways of a preservation process of digitized records in different countries and different institutions. It analyzes how a preservation system is built, maintained and sustained. It includes the structure of the system, preservation methods, the standards, the tools, the software used, etc.

  • INDICATE virtual exhibitions survey template (DOC, 148 kb)

This survey is aimed at collecting information on virtual exhibitions and virtual performances carried out by cultural institutions and e-infrastructures in partner countries.

  • INDICATE questionnaire on the state-of-the art of strategies and mechanisms concerning the DCH with regards to the access of cultural heritage sector to the e-infrastructures (DOC, 180 kb)

This questionnnaire aims to contribute to the harmonisation of policy, both across the EU and in other partner countries, as it pertains to:

  • International e-Infrastructures collaboration
  • Access to e-Infrastructures by AHSS and e-culture initiatives
  • Long-term AHSS plans and projects for e-Infrastructures ("opportunity" projects)
  • Shared research agendas, joint funding models and resource allocation

Are you interested in participating or asking details on surveys' results? Please, send an-email to: [email protected]