Working packages
Indicate project is composed of 6 working packages:
WP1-Project management
- Coordinates the activities of the INDICATE project, to ensure timely and high quality deliverables, to stimulate and encourage all work-packages and to ensure that the linkages and interactions between work-packages are fully understood by all partners. This WP monitors progress day to day and identifies and overcomes obstacles before they impact on the project. It liaises as necessary with the Commission project office
Lead beneficiary: ICCU
WP2- Network of Common Interest
- Establishes a network of common interest dedicated to policy and best practice in the complementary domains of e-Infrastructures and e-Culture
- Builds and nurtures working groups dedicated to key aspects of the project (research coordination, policy and e-Infrastructure awareness)
- Stimulates discussion and collaboration, through workshops, seminars, brainstorming and online communication
- Attracts and recruits researchers and experts from beyond the project, in order to add their perspectives to our work
- Creates the conditions for the sustainability of the network beyond the project duration
Lead beneficiary: ICCU
WP3- Dissemination
Maximises the impact of the project's work through a programme of public events, publications and engagement with key target audiences
Lead beneficiary: CULTNAT
WP4- Research Pilots
- Migrates two existing e-culture applications to an e-Infrastructures platform
- Analyses the effort required, the issues which arise and the lessons which can be learnt
- Informs the best practice work in the dissemination work-package with the results of this analysis
- Begins the implementation of the e-culture science gateway (eCSG)
Lead beneficiary: NTUA
WP5- Research Case Studies
- Examines how e-Infrastructures can be used to solve difficult e-culture problems, through the analysis of three detailed case studies: one on virtual exhibitions of cultural content, one on preservation of digital cultural content and one on processing and management of geo-coded digital content.
- Analyses the resources which e-Infrastructures offer, and how they can be deployed to deal with two example of e-culture problems
- Informs the best practice work in the dissemination work-package
Lead beneficiary: I2CAT
WP6- Strategy and future plans
- Contributes to the harmonisation of policy, both across the EU and in other partner countries, as it pertains to international e-Infrastructures collaboration
- Shared research agendas, joint funding models and resource allocation
Lead beneficiary: MCC