Documents and deliverables
These page contains documents and public deliverables produced during the project.
- Paris Declaration (PDF, 2342 kb)
- D2.1 Working Group Terms of Reference (.pdf , 232kb)
This document illustrates the mode of operation of the INDICATE Network of Common Interest, xploiting networking at international and national level and complementing a bottom-up with a topdown approach. Central element of the network of common interest are three task forces connected to the NDICATE case studies and some working groups which exist in each country or will be created in the next months, and which provide expertise, experience and information to the INDICATE project. These Terms of Reference outline the mechanism of task forces and working groups (WGs), which will operate in order to reach the goals of the INDICATE project. it also describes the legal bases and agreements to formalise the INDICATE network of interests in its different components.
- D3.1 Web site (.pdf, 671kb)
This deliverable describes the website developed for the project, in particular the aims it intends to each, the users for which it is targeted, the software used, the structure of the public and the reserved areas, the implementation work, the editorial board, the tools for monitoring the website.
The first version of this deliverable was edited in the third month of the project for internal use and llustrated the structure of the website to the partners for their approval. The current version of the eliverable, edited during the fifth month, include the description of activities, contents and services arried out by the project partners, already implemented in the website.
- D3.2 Proceeding virtual exhibitions (pdf, 1037kb)
This deliverable aims to describe the workshop on Virtual Exhibitions held in Amman on 11th
December 2011.
The scope of the workshop was to present best practices in the field of virtual exhibitions and virtual performances, to discuss how e-Infrastructures can be useful in the building of virtual exhibitions, to analyse which resources e- Infrastructures offer and how they can be deployed to deal with virtual exhibitions and virtual performances.
The workshop was targeted to cultural heritage and tourism institutions, universities, cultural
heritage decision-makers, archaeologists, librarians, ICT providers and experts and academics Web developers.
The document includes the full paper presented by the keynote speaker Prof. Johannis Kanellos (Telecom Bretagne): Visitor-Centered Digital Museology: Towards Profile Adapted Virtual Expositions.
- D3.3 Workshop proceedings – digital preservation (pdf, 203kb)
This deliverable aims to describe the workshop on Digital Preservation held in Ankara on 7th July 2011.
- D3.4 Workshop proceedings - geocoded digital cultural content (pdf, 521 kb)
This deliverable describes the workshop on Digital Preservation held in Ljubljana Slovenija on 7th February 2012.
- D3.6 Best practice for applying research pilots and use case studies to digital cultural heritage (.pdf, 838kb)
This deliverable, organised as a handbook, provides information about pilot projects and case studies in digital cultural heritage across Europe, as assembled by the INDICATE project. The handbook includes 6 main chapters, in addition to this Executive Summary. Chapter 2 gives an introduction to e-infrastructure and digital cultural heritage (DCH), as well as to research pilots and use case studies. Chapter 3 gives a background overview of e-infrastructures and digital cultural heritage, and background related to research pilots and research use case studies. Chapter 4 describes the approaches, results and best practice for the INDICATE research pilots for semantic searching and e-collaborative digital archives. Chapter 5 details the results and best practice which arose from the INDICATE research use case studies for long-term digital preservation, virtual exhibitions and performances, and geo-coded digital cultural content. Chapter 6 describes best practice for the application of research pilots and use case studies to DCH. Chapter 7 gives the conclusions of the handbook, specifically focusing on the use of e-infrastructures by the DCH community.
- D3.7 Handbook - potential of e-Infrastructures for e-culture (.pdf, 293kb)
The Handbook on virtual exhibitions and virtual performances, edited in the framework of the INDICATE project, represents the synthesis of all the results achieved by the project in this field. It is targeted to the cultural sector. The section dedicated to virtual exhibitions is specially targeted to cultural heritage professionals (curators, archaeologists, art historians, archivists, librarians, designers and web designers, information scientists, communication managers, etc.) working in the valorization and dissemination of knowledge also through exhibitions made available online. The section on virtual performances has a wider audience, and it’s also targeted to performing arts professionals (theaters, auditoriums, artists, etc.) to stimulate the integration of virtual experiences on their activities.
- D3.8 Final dissemination report (.pdf, 822kb)
This deliverable is the Final dissemination report. It provides full details and documentation of the dissemination activities carried out along the whole project period.
- D4.1 Pilot on semantic search (.pdf, 984kb)
This deliverable describes the pilot of the semantic search using e-infrastructures. For the implementation of this pilot we have used the MICHAEL dataset. Firstly, the metadata were transformed to RDF providing in that way a semantically richer representation than XML, that was the initial format. During this process, which is also known as RDFization, the elements of the XML documents were mapped to RDF classes and properties that were used for the semantic representation. After that, the values of specific elements of the dataset, like countries, persons and languages were used for the discovery of resources that describe them
in external sources. The discovered resources serve additional information for the person, country, and language of interest than the information originally provided in the dataset. This extra information added through this procedure is very useful for increasing the searchability of the content. Therefore, through this process, semantic enrichment of the MICHAEL dataset was established. The transformed to RDF and enriched metadata that resulted from the previous modules were then stored in a semantic repository which was semantically accessible by using the SPARQL query language. The most important outcome of
this procedure was the support of queries for the retrieval of MICHAEL content that were composed of concepts and properties using information that was not available on the original dataset.
- D4.2 Pilot on e-Collaborative digital archives (.pdf, 2MB)
This document shows the architecture and implementation of the INDICATE e-Culture Science Gateway that is the platform used to create the e-Collaborative Digital Archives deployed on the COMETA e-Infrastructure. Particular attention has been paid to simplify the access to non-expert users and to define a fine-grained authentication and authorization system that could protect digital cultural contents in an effective way. We start presenting the reasons and the benefits of adopting the Science Gateway paradigm as a means to provide a simplified access for users to the contents of the digital archives.
In particular, we describe how we achieved user authentication and authorization integrating Science Gateways single-sign-on mechanism with Identity Federations and user tracking and logging for any Grid transaction. Then, we present the gLibrary platform that have been used to create the repositories on the storage resources and metadata service of the Grid infrastructure used, and the gLibrary APIs to create a set of portlets, deployed into the e-Culture Science Gateway, to provide an easy-to-use front-end for discovering, finding and retrieving assets of the three digital archives implemented.
- D5.1 Case study report - Long Term Preservation (.pdf, 2438kb)
This document is the result of the research done by the INDICATE partners through the Long Term reservation Case Study. The main objective of this use case is to review the current situation of digital reservation processes in Europe, the state of the art of the technology used and the relation between reservation institutions and e-Infrastructure providers.
- D5.2 Case study report - Virtual Exhibitions (.pdf, 2855kb)
The main objective of this case study is to review the current situation of virtual exhibitions and virtual performances processes, the state of the art of the technology used and the relation between cultural institutions and e-nfrastructures.
- D5.3 Case study report - Geocoded digital cultural content (Part 1 .pdf, 1469kb) - (Appendices .pdf, 2422kb)
The research case study Geocoded Digital Cultural Content (GCC) investigates the possibilities and approaches regarding the use of e-infrastructure in geocoded digital culture.
- D6.2 Strategy and Future Plans workshop proceedings & harmonised policy elements (.pdf, 984kb)
This deliverable is divided in 2 parts: the first part presents the proceedings of the strategy and future plan workshop, while the second part deals with harmonized policy elements.
The Part I of the deliverable aims at presenting the workshop on Strategy and future plans (Task 6.3) held in Paris, on the 7th of June 2012, and Part II presents the harmonized policy elements (Tasks 6.2) for the access to e-Infrastructures from the cultural heritage, which have been identified and agreed across the consortium.