Ankara: Long Term Preservation Workshop
7-8 July 2011 - INDICATE Workshops
The e-infrastructures enabled digital preservation is considered as a core topic in the work program of the INDICATE project and for this reason a specific workshop has been planned.
The workshop is the follow up of a survey conducted in the countries participating to the project, based on a questionnaire that has been aswered by important institutions from Italy, France, Spain, Greece, Slovenia, Austria, Hungary, Egypt and Turkey. The answers collected during the survey are accessible via the project’s website.
Scope of the workshop:
- To present best practice examples of digital preservation
- To discuss how e-Infrastructures can be used to solve digital preservation problems
- To analyse the resources which e-Infrastructures offer, and how they can be deployed to deal with digital preservation
National Library of Ankara
Milli Kütüphane Başkanlığı Bahçelievler Son Durak 06490 Ankara (MAP)
First Day:
13.00 : Registration
13.30 : Welcome Messages (Doc.Dr Ahmet ARI, Head of the Strategic Development Department)
13.45 : Presentation of Indicate (Antonella FRESA, Technical Coordinator of the INDICATE project, Italian Ministry of Culture) [.pdf, 459kb] - (Bahadir AYDINONAT, Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism) [.pdf, 183kb]
14.15 : Presentation of Tubitak (Onur TEMIZSOYLU) [.pdf, 700kb]
14.45: Coffee Break
15.00: Presentation of Access_IT (Prof.Dr. Bulent YILMAZ, Hacettepe University) [.pdf, 647kb]
15.40: Magazzini Digitali, Italy (Maurizio MESSINA, National Library Marciana, Venice) [.pdf, 410kb]
16.00: Digital Preservation at CULTNAT, Egypt (Ayman KHOURA, Deputy Director CULTNAT) [.pdf, 8056kb]
16.20: Digital Archive of Ankara (Nilufer UNAL, Atilim University Library Director) [.pdf, 5046kb]
16.40: Presentation of National Library, Ankara (Tuncel ACAR, President, National Library) [.pdf, 813kb]
2nd Day
9.00 – 16:00 Project meeting to analyse the Survey Results (English only)
Discussion about the Deliverables
D3.3: “Workshop proceedings – digital preservation”
D5.1: “Case study report – Long Term Preservation”
Background information
This event is part of the INDICATE project, which is a coordination action supported by the European Commission in the frame of the FP7-Capacities programme, e-infrastructure thematic area.
The proceedings of this workshop will be produced as deliverable D3.3 Workshop Proceedings – Digital Preservation of the INDICATE project. Deliverable D3.3 is expected to be released to the European Commission at month 18 of the project. Deliverable D3.3 is planned to be a public document and it will be accessible through the INDICATE project website at
The results of the workshop will be analysed and re-elaborated by the INDICATE partners and will constitute the basis of the deliverable D5.1 Case Study Report – Long Term Preservation. The deliverable will describe which actions can be taken in a feasible way to initiate the coordination of a European eco-system of data repositories for the long term preservation of the digital cultural resources. The deliverable D5.1 is expected to be released to the European Commission at month 12 of the project. The deliverable D5.2 is planned to be a public document and it will be accessible through the INDICATE project website.