Ankara: INDICATE Final conference
15-16 October 2012 - INDICATE International Conferences
The Doubletree by Hilton Hotel
Ziya Gokalp Bulvari No 58 Cankaya,
Ankara, 06600
The INDICATE project started in September 2010 with the participation of 10 partners from Italy, Egypt, France, Greece, Jordan, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey.
The project has worked on the coordination of policy and best practice regarding the use of e-Infrastructures for digital cultural heritage in countries all around the Mediterranean. A network of common interest made up of experts and researchers in all the relevant fields has been established and nurtured, with the aim to plan its sustainability on a long term beyond the project duration.
The project has been rooted in the reality of research pilots and case studies which act as exemplars and demonstrators.
This conference concludes the activities of the project and aims to present the results achieved and, at the same time, to be the starting point for future cooperation. Some of the most important issues and processes which are relevant to establishing cultural initiatives on the e-Infrastructures platform and which have been studied and experimented in the INDICATE project will be presented at the Conference, together with key note speeches from the most relevant e-infrastructures initiatives in Europe and in the Mediterranean countries.
Strategic views for the future, taking into account the Paris Declaration (downloadable from the link below) will also be discussed.
The Organising Committee welcomes the receiption of posters to be presented during the conference