Ljubljana: INDICATE Workshop on Geo-coded cultural heritage content
7 February 2012 - INDICATE Workshops
The theme of the geographic information systems applied to the cultural heritage is one of the case studies of the INDICATE project and for this reason a specific workshop has been planned.
The workshop is the follow up of a geo-parsing experiment conducted by the Slovenian partner, which will be presented and discussed at the workshop.
The proceedings of this workshop will be produced as deliverable D3.4 Workshop Proceedings of the INDICATE project. Deliverable D3.4 is expected to be released to the European Commission at month 18 of the project. Deliverable D3.4 is planned to be a public document and it will be accessible through the INDICATE project website.
The results of the workshop will be analysed and re-elaborated by the INDICATE partners and will constitute the basis of the deliverable D5.3 Case Study Report – Geocoded digital cultural content. The deliverable will describe how cultural institutions can engage in the use of GIS technologies for the access to the digital cultural heritage content and how the e-infrastructures can be beneficial to improve the results of these services. The deliverable D5.3 is expected to be released to the European Commission at month 18 of the project. The deliverable D5.3 is planned to be a public document and it will be accessible through the INDICATE project website at www.indicate-project.eu.
The scope of the workshop is:
- to present best practice examples of the use of GIS technology for access to digital cultural content
- to discuss how e-Infrastructures can be used to enhance GIS cultural applications
- to analyse the resources which e-Infrastructures offer, and how they can be deployed to deal with GIS cultural implementations.
National Museum of Slovenia
Maistrova 1, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Documents to download
- INDICATE, GIS Workshop, Ljubljana, 7 February 2012 - Programme
- INDICATE, GIS Workshop, Ljubljana, 7 February 2012 - Welcome message, Pecnik
- INDICATE, GIS Workshop, Ljubljana, 7 February 2012 - Fresa presentation
- INDICATE, GIS Workshop, Ljubljana, 7 February 2012 - Zakrajsek presentation
- INDICATE, GIS Workshop, Ljubljana, 7 February 2012 - Lorenzini presentation
- INDICATE, GIS Workshop, Ljubljana, 7 February 2012 - Kelly presentation
- INDICATE, GIS Workshop, Ljubljana, 7 February 2012 - Wahba presentation
- INDICATE, GIS Workshop, Ljubljana, 7 February 2012 - Pincon presentation
- INDICATE, GIS Workshop, Ljubljana, 7 February 2012 - Zakrajsek and Kovacec presentation
- INDICATE, GIS Workshop, Ljubljana, 7 February 2012 - Lash and Al Huniti presentation
- INDICATE, GIS Workshop, Ljubljana, 7 February 2012 - Knowledge Café, Museums and cloud computing