Home > INDICATE Final Conference > Prof.Dr. Sacit Arslantekin - Biography
Prof.Dr. Sacit Arslantekin - Biography
- Over 28 years of general working experience in the field of librarianship, setting up and managing documentation centres and libraries and supplying research & documentation information support
- More than 26 years of academic career with indexing, library automation, open archives, archives automation, subject Headings and Communication and Information Technologies as the main areas of interest
- Extensive experience as consultant of MILAS Automation Program in developing several modules such as formation MARC data structure, data transmission structure, developing user services, lending services and administration
- Deep knowledge of library management oriented computer literacy on the main subjects such as indexing techniques, library automation, introduction to web, E-Government and content management, library buildings and library standards
- Extensive consultancy experience in librarianship and automation programs; transforming the collection of Turkish National Library to automation program, the process of preparation of data for books in Turkish and other languages, cataloguing and data entry according to MARC (Machine Readable Cataloguing) format
- Proven experience in improving awareness about public libraries, archives and museums in Turkey and develop cooperation among stakeholders
- Deep knowledge in library and archive building including procurement and subscription of the documents
- Considerable knowledge of librarianship as being the referee for the Journals; “Journal of Turkish Librarianship”, “Information World”, “Doğuş University Journal“