Networked Art: Brazilian experiences of the Technological Poetics Research Group - ABSTRACT
The Technological Poetics Research Group (RG Poetics) (University of Bahia, Brazil) have been working with Networked Performance since 2005, when RNP, the Brazilian NREN, invited us to open the Ipê Network, the new backbone with 10 Gbps. The first Brazilian telematic dance piece - VERSUS - was created between 3 cities in Brazil with dancers and musicians interacting in real time.
Several projects was developed by RG Poetics during the last 7 years between different Brazilian
cities and with partners in the world (i.e. Spain, Denmark, Korea, Thailand, Chile, EUA, UK). This is an analysis of the trajectory of RG Poetics that has developed interdisciplinary projects in the Network Art field, which creates new demands for both artists and engineers.
This is a challenge that brings together researchers and technicians from both side: Art and Computer fields. We believe that this joint art-science-technology is a great opportunity to develop new ways to understand and to use the Network and the Cyberspace.
However, it's important to question ourselves, are we sure that we don't have gaps and chasms between us: artists, engineers and scientists?
Do we really know how to work with, respect the knowledge of the other and collaborate with different field that has different philosophical values?
How can the Telecommunicaton Network works as collaborative research network across disciplines? INDICATE could be a good place to discuss this ideas.