Ivani Santana - Biography
Ivani Santana is choreogapher and dancer. She researchs dance technology since 1990 and Network Perfomance since 2001. Master and PhD in Communication and Semiotics at Catolic University São Paulo. Currentely she is doing her Post Doctorate at Sonic Arts Research Centre, Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK.
Professor and scholar at University of Bahia, Institut of Humanities, Arts and Science. Director of the Technological Poetics Research Group <www.poeticatecnologica.ufba.br> and the MAPA D2 - Map and Program of Digital Dance - a virtual community for portuguese and spanish speakers
Author of the books Corpo Aberto: Cunningham, dança e novas tecnologias (2002) [Open Body Cunningham dance and new technologies] and Dança na Cultura Digital (2006) [Dance in the Digital Culture], and also many articles in international journals (i.e. Performance and Digial Media (UK), Nouvelle des Danse (Belgium). She had the grant of Monaco Dance Forum (2006) UNESCO Prize for the Promotion of the Arts – New Technologies, and also the artistic residency at Centre Choreographique National (Aix-en-Provance, France).