Announcing the CHAIN worldwide interoperability demo
The CHAIN Science Gateway
has been built using the Catania Science Gateway Framework to demonstrate how the Science Gateway paradigm and the adoption of standards, such as SAGA and SAML, can make e-Infrastructures worldwide, based on different middleware, interoperable amongst each other, at user application level.
Thanks to the collaboration with CNGrid, EGI-InSpire, EUMEDGRID-Support, FutureGrid, GARUDA, GISELA, IGI, JSAGA, SAGrid and WeNMR projects, and with the support of Africa & Arabia ROC, IGALC_ROC, ROC_LA and other Regional Operations Centres, a set of Demo Applications has been deployed on various e-Infrastructures based on EMI (gLite and UNICORE), Genesis II, Globus, GOS, and OurGrid middleware and it is possible to execute them in a simple and easy way.
If you want to run the demo by yourself, visit the CHAIN Science Gateway and follow the instructions to register and sign in.
You can follow (and even run!) the demo also on the social networks:
--> CHAIN Science Gateway Community on Facebook
--> Catania Science Gateways Community on Facebook
--> Catania Science Gateways account on Twitter